Eder Strahltechnik Austria

Eder Strahltechnik Austria

Your specialist dealer for blasting technology, blasting media and service;

For 150years, the name Eder has been inextricably linked to blasting technology


Eder Strahltechnik 

Kranichbergstraße 16
A-2640 Gloggnitz-Enzenreith 

Telefon: +43 2662 42070
Fax: +43 2662 42070 24 

E-Mail: eder@strahltechnik.at 

Internet: www.strahltechnik.at 

Eder Strahltechnik Austria

General description

Eder Strahltechnik Austria

Since 1873, the name Eder has been inextricably linked to sandblasting and surface technology.

oday we are an international company from Austria, which is available as contact person for all sectors and branches of blasting and surface technology.

We offer from our many years of experience, blasting technology, abrasives and painting technology for the highest standards from a single source.

The experience and knowledge from the three areas of surface technology, combined with the proximity to our customers and constant innovation, allow us to set new standards in the industry.

We are proud of our past. Based on the potential of our employees, we look to thefuture with confidence and confidence.Worldwide presence, locally rooted,

… About blasting technology has been used by Eder for 150 years!

Eder Strahltechnik Austria

Covered territories


Eder Strahltechnik Austria



Czech Republic



Zoom on Austria performance

Eder Strahltechnik Austria

years in business
articles in stock



Carl Eder acquires a forge and chain forge at the current company location. The contact with stonemasons leads to the idea of replacing the quartz sand used for sawing stone slabs by a more efficient sand of steel. 


For the first time, Stahlmassa – an angular, heat-treated steel granulate is produced. Its technical superiority enables the cutting of the hardest rock types. 


The steel massa is also used for grinding the surfaces of sawn hard rock. This means for the company Eder the first contact with the surface technology. 


Long development work allows for the first time the production of a chilled granulate as a substitute for the steel massa.

Based on the steel massa, it is falsely called blasting sand. The new product is excellently suited for sawing, smoothing and polishing of rocks as well as for sandblasting.



Johann Eder is granted a patent for the “device for producing metal grains”. In the basic principle, the spinning off of liquid iron from a rotating disk, this device is still used today. 


The production plant for a new generation ofblasting abrasives is put into operation.The now produced spherical cast steel shotis ideally suited for use in blast wheel blastingmachines.

The sales program is completedby the trade in blasting abrasives from other materials.


Growth from the blasting media specialist tothe complete provider of process technologies and problem solutions for the entire blasting technology.


125th anniversary. 
Today’s Winoa Group joins the company as the majority shareholder. 


A big fire completely destroyed our abrasive production. The sale of abrasive is still one of our most important pillars, the steel abrasive has been produced by an Winoa subsidiary.


150th anniversary  
Worldwide present, locally rooted, we talk about surface technology – since 1873 

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Eder Strahltechnik Austria

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Service with passion – we follow our customers everywhere 

Blaster in action equipped by Eder Strahltechnik 

Eder Strahltechnik Austria

Location Eder Strahltechnik abrasive and spare part stock 

Eder Strahltechnik Austria

Location Eder Strahltechnik (view from main entry)