The Ultimate Additive for oil-free surfaces

As we know, surface cleanliness is a critical factor to obtain a long coating life. To do so, dirt, scale, rust as well as grease, oils and lubricants must be removed prior to covering.

But how to remove these surface oils or clean oily blast media ? Pantatec oil-free surfaces additive is the solution. Pantatec™ gets rid of grease without elbow grease !

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oil-free blasted surfaces, pantatec



oil-free blasted surfaces

Using PantaTec in your daily blasting operations will allow you to: 


  • Improve coating adhesion
  • Enhance corrosion resistance (salt spray test)
  • Achieve superior mechanical properties (pull test)
  • Optimize roughness through enhanced operating mix
  • Enhance cleanliness (reduced adherence of sticky dust)

Machine operation

  • Easier to clean operating mix
  • Less small particules stuck in the mix = better balanced operating mix
  • Higher global blasting efficiency due to a better mix

Maintenance operation

  • Reduction of the filter replacement frequency due to less clogging on the filters
  • Reduce wear of the blades due to less dust in the machine
  • Less downtime


  • Mitigation of fire hazards
  • Diminished explosion risks
  • Decreased chemical hazards associated with cleaning liquids

Washing and degreasing

  • Consolidated operation (replacing two)
  • Reduced preparation costs
  • When washing is retained, decreased chemical effluents

Environment protection

  • Safe and non-toxic mineral powder
  • Elimination of harmful chemical usage
  • Exempt from REACH and ICPE classification


Oily abrasive mixture causing accelerated wear on surface preparation equipment.oil-free blasted surfaces



  • Blasting and degreasing in just one step 
  • Remove oil and grease contamination 
Shape  Fine grain 
Color  Light blue 
Density  2 kg/dm3 
Bulk density  0,1 kg/dm3 
Formula  Mineral 
Particle size  0 to 2 mm 
pH  7 (in suspension) 
Fire behavior  Non-flammable 

How it works

How it works

oil-free blasted surfaces

With the PantaTec Utimate™ method and additive, the simple addition of the product with the abrasive media separates troublesome oils and greases from the shot blasted metal surfaces, then binds them to create manageable by-products to be eliminated from the process by the equipment dust collector.  

Metal surfaces, even oily ones, can thus be shot blasted effectively, without any process problem and can even, after inspection, be covered directly with your coating.

PantaTec fast cleaning instructions

Oil-Free Surfaces



oil-free blasted surfaces

Find out how PantaTec – fast oily metal cleaning system – can help you, in this short video: 

Contact one of our specialists for a free assessment of your shot blasting system, challenges faced and discover our solutionsmaybe PantaTec can help you solve your cleaning problems.

Resources & downloads

Resources & downloads

Oil-free blasted surfaces

Download our PantaTec brochure – Shot blasting & degreasing in one clean sweep. 
