Ultra soft shot

Non-Destructive, gentle and performing cleaning solution.

Designed to replace glass beads, plastic media, zinc shot and soft abrasives in non-destructive blasting and polishing applications, unlike other so-called soft products, Ultra Soft Shot will not work-harden once in use but remains at the same hardness throughout its useful life.

Ultra Soft SHOT abrasive for precision surface preparation

User benefits

User benefits


Heavy density

Heavy density

Low hardness



  • Deflashing non-ferrous die castings
  • Cleaning permanent molds in
    aluminium foundries
  • Removing mold material from
    investment casting
  • Cleaning machined surfaces on steel
    or iron
  • Removing scale from light metal
  • Refinishing aluminium automotive
Ultra soft shot



Hardness <30 HRC (3-5 Mohs)
Density 7.7 g/cc
Size available S70, S110, S170, S230, S280, S330
0.18 mm to 1.18 mm
Other sizes available upon request

How does Ultra Soft Shot compare to other abrasives ?

Hardness Durability Density
Glass Beads 50-60 HRC (5-7 Mohs) 5-8 cycles 2.6 g/cc
SAE Steel Shot 41-65 HRC (6-8 Mohs) 2500-3500 cycles 7.3 g/cc
Stainless Steel Shot 20+HRC (work hardens to 45 HRC) 3500-4500 cycles 7.0 g/cc
Plastic Media 3-4 Mohs 4-6 cycles 1.5 g/cc
Ceramic beads 60-65 HRC (5-7 Mohs) 300-500 Cycles 3.5 g/cc
Ultra Soft Shot <30 HRC (3-3.5 Mohs) 6000-7000 cycles 7.7 g/cc

Resources & Download

Resources & Download