
650 Rusholme Rd
ON L3B 5N7 Welland

US/Can : 1-800-207-4691 Inter.: 1-905-735-4691 


Commercial Team 

Gary Pope – Regional Sales Manager

Tel. : 905-906-1527

Lorna Lesser – CSR & Logistics Canada / Inside Sales Quebec

Tel. : 905-736-5114


Discover our establishment profile

Winoa Canada

Global description

Winoa Canada

The Welland manufacturing facility has been established in 1977 by CAE Industries and Cleveland Metal Abrasives.

It has since been acquired by Wheelabrator Allevard in 1989 and renamed Panabrasive Inc.

Since being built and acquired by the Winoa Group, the plant has more than tripled its capacity. Panabrasive Inc became Winoa Canada Inc in 2017.  
Today, with a capacity near 50,000 tons, and it’s unique air quenching process, Winoa Canada is definitively a leading shot and grit manufacturer in North America.

Part of the Winoa USA division, Winoa Canada not only manufactures high quality steel shots and grits, but also offers a unique added value technical sales approach to their clients.

With the help of technical sales representatives and a team of technical advisors, we audit blasting installations and processes, train production and maintenance team and select the most effective abrasive solution by running trials in our technical test centers. 
This gives our customers the most cost effective solution on the market. Winoa Canada Inc is also proud to be ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certified. 

Aerial view of Winoa's facility in Canada, previously known as Panabrasive, showing the building, surrounding land, and machinery.