Winoa France
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Winoa France
Head office Address:
528 Avenue de Savoie
38570 Le Cheylas
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 92 92 92
Hervé Brami,
Sales Director France/Benelux/North Africa

From Winoa France to world conquest
Winoa (formerly Wheelabrator Allevard) was created in France, in 1961, to introduce steel abrasive in Europe, a new technology that would revolutionize sandblasting and descaling operations in the casting and forging industry.
60 years on, the group has become world leader in its historical business activity thanks to the dynamic attitude of our staff coupled with an active acquisitions policy.
Our organic growth is the fruit of major investment in production capacity and sustained efforts in innovation.
It has been promoted by the paramount importance that Winoa places in training its technicians and sales staff. The cornerstone of its external growth has been the methodical penetration of the world market
Winoa France at a glance
Get inside the biggest steel abrasives manufacturing site in the world
Commited for environment
Life at Winoa France
Many activities are available for our collaborators such as yoga or badminton through partnership we have with local organizations.
Our localization in natural surroundings allows individual sports during breaks, showers are at disposal in the admin building, as well as our Winobar where everybody can meet and have a good time.